
Philip was elected 4 times over 13 years as a City Councillor in Hull, England (population 325 000). He became Chairman of the Finance Committee and Deputy Leader. He was also appointed to the regional authority and other institutions.
He was a UK Parliamentary candidate and on the shortlist for the European Parliament, but by then, along with many, he became disillusioned with the European Union and withdrew his candidature. Obviously Brexit has meant the end of UK representation at the EU Parliament.
Related activities
- Leader of Trade delegations to Japan, the USA, Iceland and the Netherlands.
- Chief Editor, Civic News, specialist monthly magazine (circulation 135 000)
- Author of numerous articles on politics and international affairs
His interest in current affairs and geopolitics is undiminished and various articles on these subjects can be found in the blogs. He is currently working with a French political party concerning the Presidential and legislative elections.